Soak into serenity

We already know that stress can impact on quality sleep, causing fatigue. It may sound counterintuitive to learn to relax (doesn’t it just come naturally?) but it is so important for your overall wellbeing to take some time for yourself, switch off and relax.
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Exercising for Energy

Exercising during a period of low energy can be a struggle, but moving your body regularly is incredibly important for your overall health and can actually increase your energy levels.
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RECIPE: Cashew Probiotic Yoghurt

Making your own yoghurt is easier than you might think! The benefit is that you can avoid the artificial ingredients and added sugar of commercial, store-bought brands – instead using quality ingredients, to get the most nutrients from your yoghurt. Yoghurt with active, living bacteria cultures – probiotics – helps keep the gut happy, improving digestive symptoms such as bloating, diarrhoea and constipation.
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RECIPE: Coconut Kefir

This probiotic beverage is made by fermenting coconut milk with kefir grains. Consuming these active cultures restores balance to your microbiome, stimulates digestion and improves your immune system.
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RECIPE: Bone Broth

An easy-to-digest source of nourishment, bone broth is packed with vitamins and minerals, collagen and keratin, glutamine and gelatin – all of which support the gut.
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RECIPE: Soothing Chicken Soup

Nourishing, cooked foods are like a warm hug for the gut! This soothing soup supports the immune system which starts in the gut.
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Mindfulness for anxiety

Mindfulness can be extremely helpful for those suffering from anxiety. While it does depend on what is triggering your anxiety and the situation you’re in, here are some mindful tactics that could help deal with that anxiety.
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INFOGRAPHIC: Managing Mental Health in Uncertain Times

We are living in uncertain times – there is uncertainty around our health, our jobs and our ability to stay socially connected. It’s important to address the stress and anxiety associated with the latest viral pandemic and how we can best remain calm and support our nervous systems during this time. These positive practices may help.
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RECIPE: DIY Face masks

Here are a couple of DIY skincare treatments to rejuvenate your skin!
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RECIPE: DIY Body scrub

Here are a couple of DIY skincare treatments to rejuvenate your skin!
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Workouts you can do at home

The term ‘workout’ can send people running for the hills (pun intended), but it is so important for your body to move if you want to get your mental wellbeing on track. Give one of these workouts a go! They can be done in the comfort of your own home and require no equipment at all.
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RECIPE: Mini veggie muffins

These little veggie muffins are the perfect meal on-the-go to sneak some extra veggies into your day, in the most delicious way! Recipe makes 10 muffins.
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