

Julia Dankowski | VIC + TAS

BAppSc (Naturopathy) MAppSc (Acupuncture)

Julia graduated as a Naturopath from SSNT in 1995 with a four year Diploma, returning to complete the upgrade to a Degree once this was introduced. She has also undertaken a sports nutrition course and shiatsu, which she has incorporated into her practice. Julia has over 20 years of industry experience initially working for a Health Food brand, then 14 years divided between both retail and practitioner channels where she held both sales and training roles.

Julia has undertaken her Masters of Acupuncture at RMIT Uni in Melbourne and will be graduating in at the end of 2019. She recently returned from China completing an intern stint at Nanjing TCM Hospital.



Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,  Friday



0400 610 060


Postcode Zone


Get in touch with Julia!

Please fill the form below to get in contact about educational trainings, remote trainings, zoom meetings, technical support or to meet up!