People sometimes look at me strangely when tell them my passion in life is research, but to me what can be more rewarding than being part of a breakthrough that can contribute to a new wave of understanding the critical role of nutrition in our ongoing health?
In this way, researchers can leave a great legacy for years to come.
The idea of finding the right answer,alwayskeeps me motivated.Through research, new insights and pathways unfold; new trends and the latest therapies in the field are discovered.
But, and there is a but…obtaining meaningful results or finding the right answers is not alwayseasy and straight forward. Perhaps that’s even part of the attraction for me. Most research projects can take years to obtain some indication that proves or disproves ahypothesis. So, in order to conduct good research, it is important to connect and be passionate about your topic; be curious, patient, and unbiased.
After doing a high research degree, my passion for research grew substantially. Our research aimed to investigate the hypothesis that a dietary herbal supplement would improve parameters of obesity, gut microbiotaand cardiovascular health in diet-induced obese rats. During this time, I was able to attend conferences around the world and gain lab experience which gave me a behind-the-scenes glimpse at lab testing, such as being able to analyse blood samples instead of sending them for analysis.
My thirst for knowledge is not just related to doing research – I’m always on the lookout for a new courseor listening to a new podcast. It is who I am.Albert Einstein once said: “Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” I certainly agreewith that😊
By Fernanda Thomaz | Naturopath; Clinical Support consultant at Bio Concepts
Quenching the Thirst for Research
People sometimes look at me strangely when tell them my passion in life is research, but to me what can be more rewarding than being part of a breakthrough that can contribute to a new wave of understanding the critical role of nutrition in our ongoing health?
In this way, researchers can leave a great legacy for years to come.
The idea of finding the right answer, always keeps me motivated. Through research, new insights and pathways unfold; new trends and the latest therapies in the field are discovered.
But, and there is a but…obtaining meaningful results or finding the right answers is not always easy and straight forward. Perhaps that’s even part of the attraction for me. Most research projects can take years to obtain some indication that proves or disproves a hypothesis. So, in order to conduct good research, it is important to connect and be passionate about your topic; be curious, patient, and unbiased.
After doing a high research degree, my passion for research grew substantially. Our research aimed to investigate the hypothesis that a dietary herbal supplement would improve parameters of obesity, gut microbiota and cardiovascular health in diet-induced obese rats. During this time, I was able to attend conferences around the world and gain lab experience which gave me a behind-the-scenes glimpse at lab testing, such as being able to analyse blood samples instead of sending them for analysis.
My thirst for knowledge is not just related to doing research – I’m always on the lookout for a new course or listening to a new podcast. It is who I am. Albert Einstein once said: “Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” I certainly agree with that 😊