Become a Master of Mental Wellbeing

This booklet provides great place to get started:

  • Building blocks you can use to get your mental wellbeing on track
  • Packed full of interesting information
  • Lifestyle tips
  • Recipes
  • Workouts and more!

Mental wellbeing is a key determinant of our quality of life, but is all too often, difficult to obtain.

Attaining mental wellbeing isn't about throwing away your phone, quitting your job and moving into the forest to be a hermit. 

More so, it is about minimising the long-and-short term effects of stress on your body and being able to handle the curve balls life throws at us.

It's almost impossible to fully eradicate stress from our lives, but with some clever techniques and little lifestyle changes, we can reduce the negative effects of stress.

Remember that your healthcare practitioner is just a phone call away, and they will be there for you every step of the way. We're in this together friend, let's make today, your day.

Download the Booklet

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Bio Concepts Website - Patient Material
Orthoplex White
Orthoplex White

Orthoplex White

Orthoplex White is our exclusive clinical practitioner range, designed for clinicians tackling increasingly complex conditions. The brand is supported by
the mantra of ‘Only the Best’ as we believe this is a fundamental aspect of every product in the range. Orthoplex White supports the industry through stringent selling contracts with stockists, ensuring the products are used correctly, to help fortify the industry’s integrity.

Patients can only obtain Orthoplex White formulations via a prescription from a registered clinical practitioner, who has been verified to be upholding the strict selling standards of the range.

Orthoplex Green
Orthoplex Green

Orthoplex Green

Orthoplex Green is the original brand established by Henry Osiecki over 33 years ago after he found he couldn’t find products in the market that adequately met the needs of practitioners and their patients. Orthoplex products have always been ground breaking in many respects, with innovation and the latest research being intrinsic to the brand.

The concept of synergy was also fundamental to this brand with research proving that many key ingredients together produced an enhanced result; accomplishing more than they could alone.

Products in this range provide foundational support through highly effective, synergistic formulations. The nutrients have been successfully used in clinic for decades with many proven results and case studies to support the efficacy and quality of the range.

Orthoplex Blue
Orthoplex Blue

Orthoplex Blue

Orthoplex Blue is a specialised range for use in sensitive individuals. Products in this range are all made with the same, ultra-low excipient capsules. This range is used in clinic for niche cases that require a controlled dose of specific nutrients.

This range represents the ultimate in purity, allowing clinicians to work with patients that have specific nutritional needs.

Bio Concepts Website